Welcome to the liminal universe of creation and imagination.

When she looked up she saw something extraordinary and peculiar.
Her eyes grew wild and watchful.
"What is this place?" she asked.

This is a magazine that proposes to carve out more space for the brilliant and imaginative works fellow writers are creating. A space for speculative ingenuity and forth-right imagination wild crafting.

So, What does this actually mean?

It means we welcome clever and unusual stories and poems harvested from your imagination.

Too often we confine ourselves to the implied rules in the literary world:

“Only write about what you know.”

“You can’t call yourself a Magical Realism writer because you aren’t Latin.”

“Don’t break the fourth wall.”

“If it isn’t Realism, it isn’t Literary.”

“There’s no space for genre in the literary world.”

Within the Electric Prose universe, we invite you to break the rules. The imagination is a thing to celebrate and cultivate. We all know that life itself can be unsurprisingly bleak at times, here at Electric Prose we believe that reading is a doorway.

That the best works of art in writing are meant to have wings. 

And that the best feeling in the world is forgetting that you are reading. 

We encourage our writers to surprise us, transport us, and make us believe.

 So much exists outside of what we can see, taste, and feel. 

We invite you to answer the age-old speculative fiction question: “What if?”

To our writers, we say: Lean in.

To our readers, we say: Brace yourselves.

As a premiering magazine, we won’t propose any initial exclusions. There are many journals and magazines out there that have a laundry list of what they won’t accept (be it mermaids, aliens, space machines, zombies…) and while we are sure they have a perfectly good reason for doing so, and we respect it (while also acknowledging that we may arrive at the same conclusion one day), we say send us anything. Let us clarify, send us anything that is well-written.

Write your heart out and polish it. Send us your print-ready, best shot.

Directions to Submit

"Now that you know what it is you are doing here...let me tell you a little bit about how," the Queen said. "You see, it isn't so much about when you arrive, but the way in which you shall arrive."

To begin with, Electric Prose Magazine will accept submissions by way of e-mail to submissions@electricprose.com. Submissions may be sent at anytime during the month, though please allow for six weeks from the start of each reading period. Simultaneous submissions are ok–provided you notify us that your work was accepted elsewhere, in a timely manner.
